Braces Before And After Results

Braces Before And After Results

One of the most frequently asked questions by patients who are put into teeth straightening treatment that involves the use of dental braces is as to how long they will have to wait, before they can start to see the results of the treatment. orthodontics san antonio

From the question, it becomes quite clear that they are usually eager to start seeing results FAST. And it is not hard to empathize with them in that, especially when you get a little background into the whole problem.

The teeth misalignment problem, as it turns out, is one of the most distressing problems a person can have to live within today’s highly image-conscious society; where your levels of success and happiness often depend a great deal on how ‘good looking’ you are perceived as being. This is because, as we all know a person’s teeth are amongst the first thing we notice about them when they start talking to us. And regardless of how good looking the person in question may be in other respects, as long as their teeth are ‘jutting out’ at all the wrong angles, we end up at least deducting a few points from their ‘looks’ score, if we don’t actually declare them to be ‘bad looking’ there and then.

Yet the problem doesn’t end there.

Misaligned teeth often mean that the person on whom they are resident will experience some level of speech difficulties. The mechanism via which the mouth lets out the vibrations that we know as speech is, after all, a very delicate one: one that can be affected by even the smallest of imperfections in the resonator that is the mouth. Take the teeth misalignment problem to yet one higher level, and we could be looking at difficulties in chewing, greatly compromising the quality of life for the afflicted person.

It from such a background then, that the people who are put on treatment for these teeth misalignment problems using dental braces want to know how long it will be, before they can attain the proper teeth alignment (or perfect teeth alignment, as may be the case), that they so much yearn for.orthodontists

Ultimately, how long it takes for dental braces to deliver results depends on a number of factors. It will depend, for one, on the extent of the teeth misalignment problem we are looking at. If it is a minor misalignment problem, like where you have a reasonably good teeth alignment presentation, but where you are only looking to perfect it, you could be looking at as short a period of dental brace treatment. That could be as short as a single year before you can achieve what you are looking for. If, on the other hand, it is major teeth misalignment you are trying to correct, the sort that causes chewing or speech difficulties, you may need as long as three years, before you can see results.

The duration of time you have to be on dental braces will also depend, to a considerable extent, on the type of dental braces that are employed. As it turns out, some types of braces are known to deliver faster results than others: where studies show the invisible braces (besides being more convenient to wear) often yield faster results than the traditional metallic variety. The braces we are referring to here, if they can be strictly referred to as such, are the likes of Invisalign. With invisible dental braces, you may be looking at between a year and a year and a half, before you can get results; whereas with the traditional metallic variety, it could be up to three years before you get the same results.Cosmetic dentist san antonio

The recent years have also seen the development of some products that promise to hasten teeth realignment using dental braces, these being the likes of the so-called ‘AcceleDent.’ The most effective of these are said to hasten teeth misalignment problem by as much as 50 per cent, via the use of what their makers refer as micro-vibrations that increase the impact of the ‘pull’ forces applied by the dental braces.

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